[Sigmund Freud Chronology - Continued] Researches, Certainties 1886 - Goes to Berlin where he inquires about
infantile neuropathology. On his return to Vienna, he makes stop at the Institute for child diseases. He lectures on hysteria and provides a report on what he had seen in Charcot. A hostile reception. Starts private practice: opens
his personal cabinet on Easter. Marries Martha in September. Publishes the translation of Charcot's book Lectures on Disorders of the Nervous System. 1887 - Without giving up electrotherapy, starts using
hypnosis. Mathilda's birth (October). Meets Wilhelm Fliess in November. This moment is the start of a great friendship and a mail exchange of utmost importance for the birth of psychoanalysis. December: his first letter to Fliess.
1888 - Publishes the translation of Bernheim's book On Suggestion and its Therapeutical Uses. In May, he first applies a method inspired by Breuer (on Frau Emmy von N.). 1889 - Trip to Nancy to
Bernheim, and Liebault. The birth of Jean-Martin, baptized in Charcot's honor (December). 1891 - Publishes a paper on aphasia, criticizing the theory of localization. The birth of Olivier (Oliver, in Cromwell's
memory). Move to Berggasse 19. 1892 - Article on hypnotic therapy. Collaboration with Breuer. A patient of his (Elisabeth von R.) suggests the method of free associations. Publishes the translation of
the second Bernheim volume. The birth of Ernst, christened in Brucke's honor. 1893 - Obituary on Charcot's death on August 16th. An article on hysteria paralyses (in French, Revue de neurologie).
Formulation of the traumatizing seduction theory (to be abandoned in 4 years). Birth of Sophy. 1894 - Article on defense psycho-neuroses. A new translation from Charcot (Tuesday Lectures). 1895 - Publishes Obsession and Phobias. Together with Joseph Breuer publishes Studies on Hysteria in May. The work maintains the sexual etiology of neurosis. Succeeds in the historic analysis of
Irma's Injection dream in Bellevue, in July. The birth of Anna (December). 1896 - Raises a scandal in his audience with a lecture on the sexual etiology of Hysteria. Holiday in Florence. Freud for the first time uses the term
"psychoanalysis". The death of Jacob Freud (October).
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