Dream Interpretation and Psychoanalysis - The specific of the psychoanalytic approach - - Resources -Interpretation of dreams
is the most exciting field of psychoanalysis and also the most unknown. The fascination dreams exert on common people is surely due to the belief that dreams convey messages coming from spiritual beings
either showing us what is about to happen or warning against unpleasant future events, etc. Dreams and the Unconscious
The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud |
First thing first, we should agree that the predictive, spiritual context is not the one of psychoanalytic approach. Dream interpretation in psychoanalysis
is a tool aiding in the discovery of psychic contents - meaning latent ideas linked with repressed emotions and drives - within the unconscious mind, leading to revealing of the
neurotic symptoms. In short, we approach dreams
interpretation as the royal path to (discovery of the) unconscious, as Sigmund Freud holds. It is a personal approach that has nothing to do with premonition but with psychic therapy.
You may study the psychoanalytic dream interpretation method through the following resources (many are examples of dream interpreted according to Freud's method):Papers:
Dream Interpretation According to Sigmund Freud paper
How We Deal with Dreams in Psychoanalysis psychoanalytic dream method explained in plain words
The "Key of Dreams" and Psychoanalysis
treats of the classic method compared with the psychoanalytic one
The Meaning of Dreams with Sports paper
A Dream About Falling Teeth (between Freud and Jung) interpretation
A Dream with a Mystic Content?
Snake Symbolism and Precognition Dream
Dream of a Beach and Sunshine
Dreaming about Dying interpretation
About Dreams with Earthquakes
Books -> Sigmund Freud is the author of the most important book on dreams ever written entitled The Interpretation of Dreams
. There's also an abridged version of this book bearing the same title and addressing the wider public. You may purchase them through Amazon.com by following these links:
The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud includes the Interpretation of Dreams
The Interpretation of Dreams full version
On Dreams
the short version of the Interpretation of Dreams
Email courses
-> You can historically pursue the dream interpretation approach (from the ancient cultures up to the psychoanalytic era of Freud and Carl Jung) by taking our email course on dream interpretation. More...
-> Also we provide a 12-lesson email course treating of the Freud's method of dream interpretation. This is a beginners' guide explaining the basics. More...-> If you wish to go further and study the dream
interpretation in connection with Freudian psychoanalysis, you may be interested in our 15-lesson email course: Psychoanalytic Techniques for the Exploration of the Unconscious. Click here to learn more.Paperstore
-> Finally we published more examples of dreams approached through the psychoanalytic method in our paperstore.
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