Otto Rank
After having been during several years one of the closest collaborators of Freud - he was a member of the
Not only Rank did not go into reverse when several, including Freud, underlined the dangers of such practices, but he was further working out a theory which, as it was the case of some
dissidents, rejects into the shade the sexual aspects of the psychical conflict. Rank created in time a theory which, in the hope to shorten the cures, claims to take a more direct path towards the
ultimate source of the anxiety that he linked with the experiment of the birth. From this point of view, Rank concluded that it was not necessary to carry out the long work
of typical analysis of the traditional cures, and that a short work focusing directly on the first source of any anxiety would make it possible to cure the neuroses. In 1934, Rank decided to take again the road of the United
States where he continued his career. Many tried an analysis of this departure of Rank speaking about his filial relation with Freud, the discovery at Freud of a cancer of the jaw or about the relations often tended within
the committee. What seems to have counted much for others was the very cordial (and lucrative) greeting which he received in the United States where he gained a great success. -- |
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