Jean-Martin Charcot
Of Parisian origin, Charcot was the prototype of the great master of medicine of the time, the topic of all talks and carrying out a fashionable life. It is in Salpetriere, where he settled in 1862, that his glorious career truly began, leaving strong marks on neurology and modern psychiatry. Accumulating prestigious titles, Charcot became a universally recognized celebrity, called upon everywhere in the world at the bedside of aristocrats and moneyed people. Even if Charcot designed a work of authority in several fields of medicine, it is by his work on hysteria that he is especially recognized today. Applying to hysteria the method of observation and methodical description borrowed from neurology, Charcot's aim was to lay down the universal rules of the great hysterical attack. By means of hypnosis, Charcot induced a hysterical attack in his patients meeting his standards. The trouble was that his patients, just as his collaborators, were more inclined to confirm the Master's insights than undertake true scientific search. Towards the end of his life, Charcot himself questioned his own work on hysteria, which did not prevent a long and lively controversy with the school known as of Nancy, under the leadership of Liebeault and Bernheim. All history preserved was Freud's being impressed by a private conversation with Charcot, revealing him that there is always an intimate secret underlying hysteria. --
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